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God makes a mockery of death
God makes a mockery of death
by Andrew Pratt
Hymn: God makes a mockery of death Sixth Sunday of Easter 1 Peter 3: 13 – 22 God makes a mockery of death, the Spirit is consistent, an Advocate will keep our part, in this Christ is insistent. We are not orphans, will not be beyond God's loving Spirit. And all that Christ has be
Hymn: There is no need for sacrifice
Hymn: There is no need for sacrifice
by Andrew Pratt
There is no need for sacrifice save love for friend and neighbour since Christ broke every barrier down. Let this define our labour. The sweetest offering of our love is all that is demanded: to love each person as ourselves is what the Christ commanded. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: B
It seems that people love to praise
It seems that people love to praise
by Andrew Pratt
It seems that people love to praise. Is this God's expectation? Or can we serve in other ways, or find a new direction? The simple task, the gentle word, within the midst of crisis: can this be offered in God's praise, a simple act of kindness? Verse 3 follows Tune: BARBARA ALLEN
Hymn: Love never ends, for God is love
Hymn: Love never ends, for God is love
by Andrew Pratt
Love never ends, for God is love, the cradle of existence, and each new dawn adds to this proof, wears down our doubt's resistance. God's faithfulness toward the world awakes with each new morning, we feel the sun that nurtures life, it's warmth and light each dawning. Verses 3-4
Struck down and blinded by the light
Struck down and blinded by the light
by Andrew Pratt
Struck down and blinded by the light, the sudden realisation, that love is broader than a creed, encompassing each nation. Laid low until grace raised him up, restoring more than vision, this Saul, now Paul, resumed his way while curbing his derision. Verses 3-4 follow Tune: BARB
Sometimes convictions deep within
Sometimes convictions deep within
by Andrew Pratt
Sometimes convictions deep within can energise our action, to move us in another way, to find a new direction. God's spirit speaks within each mind, but like the sense of conscience is easy for us to avoid, a trick of our sub-conscious. Verses 3-5 follow Tune: BARBARA ALLEN; DOMI
6 results